Any damage to the skin triggers instant regeneration (healing, recovery) in damaged areas of the skin, which is accompanied by increased blood circulation, stimulation of cell division, production of collagen and elastin, stimulation of growth of new capillaries. And since the size of the injury after the impact of the needle is not great - the healing takes place without the formation of scars. The impact of mesoroller/ dermal roller needles is very similar to the effect of a laser beam in fractional photothermolysis - also, in the "sewing machine" mode, the integrity of the skin is broken, only there is no thermal effect on the skin.
Irritation of the nervous system with numerous injections leads to the release into the bloodstream of endogenous opiates (endorphins, enkephalins - morphine-like substances) that have euphoric and analgesic effects.

Any damage to the skin triggers instant regeneration (healing, recovery) in damaged areas of the skin, which is accompanied by increased blood circulation, stimulation of cell division, production of collagen and elastin, stimulation of growth of new capillaries. And since the size of the injury after the impact of the needle is not great - the healing takes place without the formation of scars. The impact of mesoroller/ dermal roller needles is very similar to the effect of a laser beam in fractional photothermolysis - also, in the "sewing machine" mode, the integrity of the skin is broken, only there is no thermal effect on the skin.
Irritation of the nervous system with numerous injections leads to the release into the bloodstream of endogenous opiates (endorphins, enkephalins - morphine-like substances) that have euphoric and analgesic effects.

Mechanism of action:
During the rolling of the dermal roller, the skin is pierced multiple times by needles, which ensures:
Improved absorption of substances from the surface of the skin. Violation of the "barrier" function of the skin with multiple micro traumas leads to the fact that the substances applied to the damaged skin are absorbed much better than from the surface of the intact skin (according to Verbaan, FJ, (2007) skin permeability for Minoxidil, when perforated with needles of 0 , 5 mm, increases by a factor of 10)..
There are dermal rollers with different size and number of needles are produced. Needles can be made of different materials: stainless steel, titanium, plastic, be gilded, silvered, etc. The number of needles can vary from a few tens to several hundred. Because the needles are corpulent - they are even thinner than needles used for "syringe" microneedling. The defining moment is the length of the needles - it can be from 0.15 mm to 2.5 mm. Dermal rollers with a needle length of up to 1 mm can be used alone, at home, and with needle lengths greater than 1 mm - only in a medical facility.
Variant of "dry" derma needle therapy with the use of a mechanical device in the form of a roller, on the surface of which there are protruding needles of small diameter.
Reflexogenic action
- Irritation with needles of nerve endings affects the body as a whole, irritation of specific zones can affect the activity of individual organs and systems. In cosmetology practice this mechanism of influence is not considered, nevertheless, very similar to "Lyapko's rollers" are very widely used in reflexotherapy of various diseases.
Electro-biological action. Upon contact with the skin, physical and chemical changes occur on the surface of the needles, metal oxides are formed galvanic currents arise, leading to a change in the permeability of cell membranes, enzyme activity, and the level of metabolic processes. But, in comparison with the severity of the inflammatory and reparative processes that occur in the skin after a needle injury, its significance is low.
As well as chemical peels in depth of impact are divided into surface, middle and deep, microneedle therapy, depending on the length of the needles can be divided by the length of the needles:
"Short" - 0.2-0.5 mm - to "loosen" the stratum corneum of the epidermis, improve absorption from the surface of the skin, improve skin color, micromassage, strengthen the skin, fight against small wrinkles around the eyes.
"Medium length" - 0.5-1.5 mm - to combat hair loss, striae (stretch marks), smoothing the surface of the skin, improving its tone, reducing the size of skin pores.
"Long" - 1,5-2,5 mm - for skin regeneration, reduction of its "flabbiness", smoothing of scars, including scars after acne, striae (stretch marks). Given that the average thickness of the skin of the face is 1.5 mm, from an anatomical point of view, the use of needles longer than 1.5 mm in this area is not required (except for scar treatment)
This division is largely conditional, because the thickness of the skin in different parts of the skin, in different people, at different ages is very different. And the testimony is due to the depth to which the skin is damaged.
Pioneers of skin needling techniques
Dr Des Fernandes
Dr. Lance Setterfield MB.Ch.B, one of the world's foremost Dermal Needling experts, is an educator, skin treatment specialist & international speaker.https://www.needlingguide.com/